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Kartina TV Player

Sometimes all of us have no opportunity to watch Kartina TV on the TV for one reason or another, but do not give up your favorite TV shows and serials, because our service does everything possible to stay always in touch with more than a hundred international channels. Our TV can be enjoyed on the go using your phone or tablet, or even when the TV is already occupied by a crowd of relatives. There are many options, agree, but which one is more convenient?

What happened to Kartina TV?

In recent days, our users began to notice that the services of Kartina TV go through something unusual. However, not all regularly followed the news on the official websites and groups in social networks, so different version of events began to appear, to the extent that it is a technical problems of Kartina TV or some channels are ceased broadcasting. However, in fact, nothing terrible has happened, and we will try to reveal you that these innovations are useful to everyone.

Kartina TV на Samsung Smart TV

By the end of autumn we are planning to release Kartina TV App for Samsung Smart TV. The app will be available right on app store.
Stay tune!

Kartina TV username and password recovery

I think, many of us have found themselves in a situation where the password of the purchased subscription Kartina TV has been erased from the memory or lost. This situation is hard to accept as comfortable, especially when the time of favorite show of sport competition is coming.

Causes of loss Kartina TV subscription password can be different: you had to reset pristavka Kartina TV, bought a new box, or any other problem. And it has to be solved immediately, because nobody wants to remain without best Russian TV online, especially in the evenings, when the most interesting shows are underway.

Kartina TV for beginners

We know that is sounds crazy, but the modern society can’t exist without television.

Now, content of TV channels is one of the main sources world’s information.

In addition, if you live abroad and you can’t get used to local television, then service of Kartina TV will solve your problem, and beside that it makes you closer to your motherland. 

As a saying goes, let’s combine business with pleasure, why not?

We hope, this article will be an topic for new customers, map or guide (name it as you want) to unknown world of modern online television in the USA.

So, let’s start…

Что случилось с TVteka?

Иногда к нам поступают звонки с просьбой помочь настроить TVteka на Roku, но, к сожалению, мы не можем оказать данные услуги, так как мы не обслуживаем зрителей чужих сервисов телевидения в США.

Kartina TV USA

The popularity of the Kartina TV service is growing every year, and the reason of that is not only to increasing the number of Russian-speaking population in America, but also to the quality of the services provided by us. At the moment, the number of Kartina TV viewers has exceeded 5 million, and this figure makes us work better and faster.

Showing 181 to 190 of 384 (39 Pages)