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How to watch Kartina TV on Apple TV


How to watch Kartina TV on Apple TV

New information from 16.10.2017

We are hurry to please fans of various Apple devices, and especially Apple TV users with the good and long-waited information. Finally! Apple will add AppStore to the Apple TV.

What does it mean?

This means that now you should only download Kartina TV application and use the Apple TV as a Kartina TV box. Today some of our customers are using older versions of Apple TV for watching our service using AirPlay. But it is not very comfortable, because your iPhone or iPad is also being used for other purposes. Another disadvantage of this method is shutting down of AirPlay app when the phone rings.

Why AppStore is a good choice?

Using AppStore, you can download Kartina TV, and many other useful applications. For example, if you want to leave your office for a lunch, but you still want to know, what your employees do while you’re away, you can watch it by the security cameras. Also, you can check your e-mail, see the weather forecast, and else. Apple TV has many useful features, a simple listing of which could take hours.

But do not hurry to buy Apple TV box, until we will test all the functions to make sure that all of them work correctly, and notify you that it is completely compatible with our apps.

Applications for iPhone and iPad you can download here: